Reflecting on 25 years of my life on my 26th birthday

I’m 26!

To be honest, I don’t know how to feel.

I know that I’m grateful to be alive, I’m grateful that I get to be here another year & I get to spend it with the people I love. When I think back to a year ago, I realize that so much has changed. I’ve changed. I’ve grown and I feel myself getting so much closer to becoming the woman I’ve always envisioned myself to be.

It also feels odd. Sometimes I feel like I’m running out of time. Don’t we all have goals and dreams that we want to achieve before we turn 30, or am I just weird? It’s an overwhelming feeling, there’s so much I want to do, but do I have time?

Those are some of the things that I often think of when my birthday comes up every year.

Reflecting on 25

25 was the year of declutter and organization. When the new year started I wrote down my goals for the year, like I did every other year. Only this year, I followed through with most of them, feeling proud is an understatement. I decluttered a lot this year, from my mental health, relationships, all the way down to storage in my apartment.

I hate clutter. I hate overthinking. I hate forced relationships. I also hate cramped spaces, they give me headaches.

There’s something so freeing about speaking your mind, making decisions and sticking to them, not overwhelmed about what should or could have been, not concerned about what others think, just following through. I struggled with this for years and starting therapy helped a lot. If you’re new here, I’m the girl that encourages everyone to go to therapy, here are some of my reads:

I appreciate the relationships I’ve built over the past year and I’m also okay with the ones that I’ve had to let go. Some people are only meant to stay in your life for a season and when it’s time for them to leave, give them grace. Not every relationship needs to end on a bad note. I learned that this year.

I had been putting off decluttering my apartment for some time and I finally got to it. It’s almost the end of the year and the only space I need to clean out is our main bedroom, it’s already coming together so beautifully. I had to sell some things and donate others, the hardest part was getting rid of my old clothes that I hoped I’d fit into again one day.

If you follow me on instagram then you most likely know about my journey here in America. A month ago, after patiently waiting two years, I finally received my work permit and driver’s license. If you had never been in this situation, you’ll never understand just how difficult life as an expat can be. I felt so overwhelmed my God’s love when everything happened the way it did. I’m able to drive and work again after two years of staying still and trusting God.

I met an incredible friend in the year 25, a friend that I prayed for. She feels like family, like home.

This is also the year that my relationship with my dad was mended, which I can’t even begin to put into words.

25 was definitely one for the books. I did a lot of inner work this year, constantly striving to be a better person.

I’ve worked really hard to build a safe space for myself and I’m so blessed to have such a great support system that helped me get there.

Adina Lifestyle was created this year as well, I don’t think I’ve ever committed to a project the way that I have with Adina. I’ve been working on a few things that I’m excited to share with you soon. The goal is to grow beyond my imagination and with your constant support, hard work and a sprinkle of luck I know I’ll get there.

This is 26!

Love, adinalifestyle

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