Books make me cry

I consider Colleen Hoover one of the best Authors of our time. Her books are incredibly captivating, once you start reading them they’re heavy to put down. Well, at least for me. I every so often am flabbergasted by the ending of her books and that makes me want more. It makes me question a lot and deep down I have hope that Colleen will have all of my answers in whatever book she chooses to write next. Her books make me cry.

Huge fan of her work.

You’re probably wondering why Colleen out of so many writers in the world.

Collecting books and adventures

I took an interest in reading when I was about 9 years old, I considered myself a neophyte bookworm. I was more interested in pictures than the actual words, it’s kinda funny thinking about it now. Teenage years were completely different though, it was my ‘novels only’ era. My love life was pretty much nonexistent at that time and reading about love I could only dream of was the perfect escape.

My high school had a library that felt like home. All I remember is drowning myself in literature every chance I got. I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I traveled a lot at that time, my imagination was inescapable. My fondest memory was a book I read that described the City of Seattle so well that I felt like I was right there with the main characters. I’ve always wanted to visit the city because of the book and it bothers me that I don’t remember the book title, probably never will as it was a story I read on Wattpad. I hope it comes back to me one day. I’d read the book again and take a trip to Seattle and relive the character’s life.. for a weekend.

My last memory of enjoying a good book was my last year of high school, the book we read in class at the time was called ‘To kill a Mockingbird’. I only read novels then, but this book was different. It was not meant for kids to read but my English teacher, Mrs McDonald did a great job explaining the missing pieces. I told myself I’d read it again one day, to see if my view on the story would change. Thank God for my amazing husband, because almost 10 years later, I have the book in my collection ready to be read.

Books make me cry, every book I’ve enjoyed reading has some kind of meaning behind it, or is attached to someone that makes me feel super nostalgic. After high school though, I stopped reading. I’m not entirely sure why, I might have been too overwhelmed by the real world and completely lost track of it.

A few years later, I moved to the United States. I spent a lot of time by myself the first two years, so I tried reading again. I read poetry. The first book I enjoyed in a very long time was ‘Because of a woman’ by Malanda Jean Claude. There were a lot of naked truths in that book, it helped me through some tough times. Malanda’s words were so warm, sincere and comforting.


I started reading again in 2022, still not as much as I would have liked but it was a start. A few months later I talked to a friend of mine who liked books just as much as I did. The first book she recommended was Verity by Colleen Hoover, I had never heard of this writer. I must have been living under a rock or something. 

I read the book.

I finished it in 3 days.

This was the first time in nearly five years that I enjoyed a book so much that I not only finished it in a few days but cried as I was reading it. That one book changed everything for me, before I knew it I spent most of my time looking up more of her books and reading every single one of them.

Colleen brought my love for books back to life, I thought I had lost it forever. Her books have taken me on so many rollercoasters of emotions and only a good book can do that.. books in her case.

So, thank you Colleen, your books make me cry.

Books I’ve read so far that I highly recommend:

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