Small goals, big wins.

The first day of 2023 was quite underwhelming. Exactly at 12am, I had an expectation that something in the universe would shift drastically. But then I woke up the next morning and it all felt the same, like nothing had changed. I guess not having plans on the 1st contributed to this underwhelming feeling that I had. I had goals written down, created my vision board and I was ready to take on the world. But Instead, when I woke up, all I wanted to do was cover my face with my bed sheets and mumble onto my pillow how the universe didn’t do the drastic shift thing that it should to essentially align my goals and make my dreams come true. 

We’ll start with small goals and big wins.

I knew better than to set unrealistic goals for 2023 though, I had done this way too many times to only do it again this year. We’re taking things one step at a time this year and I want to encourage you to do the same.

Consider the following when setting small goals for big wins:

  1. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable and achievable
  2. Think about why your goals are important to you
  3. Consider any potential obstacles or challenges that you might face and come up with a plan on how to overcome them
  4. Goals should be aligned with your priorities
  5. Seek support and encouragement of others

I’m going to share some of my small goals that will potentially lead to big wins for this month which will hopefully encourage you to set some of your own as well.

My goals for the month of January

Stay hydrated, I’m typically not a water person, I normally opt for juice but I want to do better this month. Emphasis on ‘want’ because this has been a struggle for as long as I can remember.

Another goal I’ve set is to do the Daniel fast for 10 days. I’m on day 4 as I type this and it is as hard as I though it would be but this is where discipline and persistence come in. I’ve been trying to focus on my why. Why am I doing this? It’s helped me get past my first and second day and hopefully the next 8 days too. The end of this fasting is going to be so rewarding.

I’m reading 2 books this month. I started with Atomic Habits by James Clear as well as It ends with us by Colleen Hoover. They’re two different genres but I’m really enjoying Colleen’s book, it has me on choke hold. I’ve always been a sucker for novels. Although I still have a long way to go with Atomic Habits I’m confident that I’ll be done with both by the end of the month. If you struggle finishing a book, try to read one chapter a day. Also Atomic Habits is just as good, if you’re having trouble with habits then this book is for you.

I started journaling consistently mid December and it’s something I’d love to do throughout the year. Getting it right the first month will encourage me to keep going throughout the year. Writing down how I feel, feels like taking all my worries, fears and anxiety from my heart and releasing it into my journal. As soon as I’m done writing all my stresses, I close it and it stays in the journal.

I’m not going to to stress over things I can not control.

No alcohol this month. This is for my weight loss journey. I enjoy sweet wine, the kind that taste like juice and that’s a lot of calories that I don’t need.

No dairy and no sweets this month, I figured if I make it past 10 days with the Daniel fasting I might as well continue cutting off dairy for the rest of the month, as well as sweet things.

Social media detox, I deleted my personal instagram account and I’m going to be 100% honest with you. It’s only been a few days but it feels so good to just be.

Type for 30 minutes everyday. I’m currently at 45 wpm. My goal is to type 70 wpm by the end of the year, without flinching. So everyday for the next 30 days I’m going to type like my life depends on it. I’ll keep at it throughout the year to reach my goal.

I share all this to say, no goal is too big or too small for you to achieve. It’s the first week of January, it’s not too late to start setting goals. Even starting at the end of the month is not too late, start as soon as you can though because once you put your goals aside, you’ll start procrastinating.

You can do this. Just remember, small goals, big wins.

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Love, adinalifestyle

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Hi there, I'm Shernice

Welcome to my little haven! I’m here to inspire and guide you on a joyful journey through the realms of Christianity, mouthwatering recipes, captivating literature, exciting travel, and the beautiful world of marriage. 

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