How to make time to read on a busy schedule

I know I’m not the only one who sometimes lacks motivation to read. I would start a book, read a few pages, experience a reading slump, back to the shelf my book goes. Often times, I have a list of things I need to do first and by the time I want to read, I’m exhausted.

That’s completely normal.

I’m someone’s wife, I work two jobs, I’m occupied most weekends but I still try to find time to read at least 2 books a month and I have successfully done it for 4 months. How do I do it, you ask?

Read on..

Find the right book

  • What type of Genre has you invested in reading?
  • How many pages can you read before you get overwhelmed or bored?
  • Where do you get book recommendations from?

It took one book to get me back to reading full time, just one. I had been reading Romance novels for as long as I can remember. I stopped reading just before Covid happened. In 2021 I met a friend who loved reading as much as I did. She recommended not just a good book but a great writer too. I finished it in 3 days. When you find a good book, it’s hard to put down. You want to read every chance you get. I’m not saying intentionally shut everyone out, this won’t happen with every book you read but when it does, allow it to consume you.

Set reading goals

Be intentional about your reading goals just as you would with everything else you’re passionate about.

  • Realistically, how long would it take for you to complete a book?
  • How many pages in a day/week would you have to read in order to reach that goal?
  • How committed are you to ensure that you honor the time you’ve set to complete the book?

Don’t set unrealistic reading goals, especially when you’re first getting back into reading again. Take it slow. I started with reading one book a month. It worked for me. I added it to my calendar, I would get a reminder every few days to read for 20 minutes. Now, I’m at a point where I naturally just read when I have a moment, I don’t need a reminder anymore and I’m also able to read 2 books in a month. That’s my limit.

Don’t try to complete reading a book you don’t like


This has happened to me quite a few times. I’d buy a book and realize that I don’t like it. That’s totally okay.

If you force yourself to read a book you don’t like, you’ll end up not reading at all. You’re going to look at the book and it’s going to feel more like a chore and less like a hobby. So, shut that book and opt for a better book instead.

Undisturbed time

The only way I’m able to read peacefully is with undisturbed time. I need to be in a quiet space. It’s just me and my husband at our place right now, and he knows not to disturb me when I’m reading, just like I don’t bother him when he plays games on the computer. We respect each others hobbies. Share this with the people you share space with.

I also put away all of my electronics at this time because they can be quite distracting. One minute on your phone can turn into one hour. Be aware when you use your phone while having a quiet time to read.

Turn it into an experience

I love to romanticize moments. There’s a reading corner in my bedroom, with the comfiest chair and a space for all my other books. As well as a table beside it with all of my reading essentials on it. I like to dim the main light, and turn on my lamps, light a candle and make a nice drink.

I don’t do this everyday but turning reading into an experience also makes you want to read even more, keep that in mind.

Ultimately, you’ll always have other things to do, it’s really a matter of how important reading is to you.

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