Embracing God’s Timing in the Waiting season

When you find yourself yearning for something intensely but it appears distant and unattainable, despite your earnest efforts to reach it, a multitude of emotions can surface. Frustration, doubt, and even anger may well up within you. This longing becomes all-consuming, overshadowing moments, days, or even weeks, impacting your emotional state profoundly. That’s why I’m embracing God’s timing in the waiting season.

Feeling disappointed, impatient, and even angry is completely valid. But it’s important to remember that God doesn’t place us in a waiting period to intentionally hurt us. He loves us deeply. I understand it might be challenging to grasp this truth, especially when we’re in the midst of waiting and wondering why God doesn’t just intervene and make things better. But sometimes, it’s in these waiting periods that we grow the most, even though it might not seem like it at the time. Understand that everything always works out for the best, maybe not at the time that you expect it to, but it always does.

When I have my moments of weakness, and self doubt, moments of impatience, this is what I do.

This is how I Embrace God in the waiting season:

1. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, it seems like God places us in certain situations or removes us from others to impart valuable lessons. There’s always something to learn during the waiting period—a lesson that shapes us and helps us grow.

2. Amidst your waiting season, don’t forget to thank God even with that one hurdle you’re facing. Acknowledge His presence and express gratitude for His constant companionship. God values our gratitude, and it strengthens our connection with Him.

3. Pour out your heart’s desires to God. Share with Him the significance of what you long for so deeply. Humbly ask Him, according to His will and timing, to bless you with your heart’s desire and to grant you patience as you wait. Trust that He knows what’s best for you and will provide in His perfect time.

4. Express your frustrations to a loved one. Sometimes, it can be difficult to embrace God’s timing in the waiting season. Remember, we’re all human, and it’s okay to share our unhappiness with others. Find someone who is willing to lend a listening ear and talk about what’s bothering you. Opening up to someone you trust can provide comfort and support during difficult times.

5. Trust that things will work out for the greater good. It may not happen on your timeline, but have faith that it will eventually come together.

God is always watching over us, desiring what’s best for us. Sometimes, our growth comes through facing trials and tribulations, experiences that shape us and make us stronger. However, it’s important to recognize that not all hardships are directly caused by God; often, they result from the decisions we make and how we navigate life.

Seek God, Call on Him, trust Him.

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