God, please send me my soulmate already.

Let’s talk about it

Let’s talk about just how impatient we get with trusting God to send us our soulmate. I know I started wrong for sure, but that’s how you learn right? That’s how you start doing better. There was a point in my life I prayed for my future husband, I was young and to be truthful there wasn’t much weight in that prayer, it felt like a recital. I did it because it was the right thing to do right? But I didn’t believe, I didn’t have faith when I prayed about my soulmate.

I was not even close to meeting him so praying for him felt weird because I had no idea who this person was. How do you pray for someone you don’t know? I still did it anyway and I didn’t tell a soul. I honestly don’t remember much of what I asked God but I do remember praying over his health, his safety and I prayed that his heart was bigger than the universe, that he still would have enough love in him to pour onto me when we finally met one day.

Again, there wasn’t much weight in my prayer, or so I thought..

Start sooner than later

Because why would God listen to an 18 year old pray about her future husband, aren’t there more important things to be worried about? No, this is just as important is everything else you pray about. It’s important to pray for someone you’re going to spend the rest of your life with, someone that’s going to have a huge impact on your life forever and the sooner you start the better.

Instead of patiently trusting God and waiting on Him to give me the go ahead, I dated other people anyway. People I knew for a fact I wouldn’t want to be my husband one day but I still stayed because at least I felt desired. Oh being young, in love and stupid..

As I got older though, I learned that my time was precious. If that first date didn’t spark anything, there wouldn’t be a second. If you showed me your true colors after the 4th date, boy bye! I was getting my power back but then I fell into the trap once again.

I met someone just before I met my partner who showed me from the beginning that he didn’t respect or value me but I looked past it anyway and after some time he decided to cut things off “because he had family problems and needed to think clearly” but proceeded to have the time of his life afterwards. Just a side note here, but men come up with the most ridiculous excuse to leave relationships instead of just being upfront, we’re adults. Let’s just be honest.

I reached my breaking point, I could not do this anymore.

What was important to me was that I date as less people as possible before I met my husband in a world that tells you to date as many people as possible to gain experience. I did not want “experience”. I wanted a lot of first times with the person that I would call my husband one day.

The power of prayer

The night I got my heart broken, I said a prayer that changed my life. The first thing I did different this time was that I believed.

I went down on my knees and prayed, I envisioned what the love of my life was like and I told God what I needed in a man. I was very specific, so much was happening in that moment. I was very overwhelmed and truthfully speaking, I felt that God was right there with me when I said that prayer and as soon as I was done…

There was nothing.

Everything went back to normal. Correct me if I’m wrong but, something dramatic has to happen so I know God is doing His thing. Maybe a little thunderstorm out of nowhere, lights flickering on and off. Just something…

There was nothing.

Everything was just the same as before I started praying.

I envisioned what the love of my life was like and I told God what I needed in a man. I was very specific.

His timing

I need you to understand one thing, that I didn’t at the time. God always does things in His time, not ours, but His time. So after prayer when you continue living your life, God is up there working miracles, making the ground shake, doing the impossible to give you what you need, not what you think you need. We think everything should be done at a click of a finger. Boom! Here’s what you asked for. Uhm there are billions of people on this planet that God has to attend to, so when He gives us His time of day how lucky are we?

I met my husband a month after that prayer…

You know how they say “you just know when you find the one”.

I knew.

I had never felt love so deep.

God listens to us, He gives us what we need when He knows we’re ready. Pray for your future spouse even if it seems ridiculous, even if you’re in a bad place or a good place.

Pray for him and pray about him.

Click here to read more relationships related posts..

xoxo Shernice

Love, adinalifestyle

4 thoughts on “God, please send me my soulmate already.”

  1. Thank you Shernice for sharing, beautiful and needed it. God’s timing is indeed always perfect, and He is a ever working God.
    Blessings, Buffy

  2. I needed to read this and be reminded that God’s time is always perfect and to never stop praying

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