Your home is your sanctuary

This is the married young series, if you haven’t read the previous posts I recommend starting with them before reading ‘Your home is your sanctuary’.

Your home is your sanctuary. It should be a place where you can truly relax and be at ease, a calm and clutter-free space. You should look forward to spending time in your home. A home is any space you live in with your spouse. It could be a mansion, a three bedroom house, a one bedroom apartment, or a camper. This is a space that you and your spouse call home. So you want to make it, as I would say ‘as homey as possible’.

Let’s talk about how you turn a house into a home as a wife.

Create a safe space

The wise woman builds her house but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Proverbs 14:1

There’s so much chaos that goes on in the outside world, when you and your spouse come home you want to shut the door and leave all the noise outside. The bible says that it’s your responsibility to build your house and it takes wisdom, and a godly woman to build one. The bible tells us that our prudent and industrious management increases property in the family, furniture in the house, and food and clothes for our household. This is the true building of a house.

I understand that we live in a modern world, things have changed. But how beautiful is it to honor God in taking care of your family the way you’re intended to? You pray for your home and your family, add decor to give your home some character, make sure that your family is fed and clothed before they leave the house. As well as maintaining peace in your house.

The last part of Proverbs 14:1 says that the foolish one tears her house down. A woman has tremendous power to make it a better or worse place. Instead of supporting and building, they show disruptive nature. A woman’s idleness, waste, lack of all forethought and care, tears a house down.


Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you have a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

There’s nothing that disrupts peace in a home than angry, unforgiving, bitter people. There’s just constant chaos that later turns into resentment if not dealt with. Which ultimately leads one of you or maybe even both of you not want to be home.

When we bear and forgive one another, it reflects God’s heart and purpose of unity amongst us, we live in peace.


For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20

Now first thing’s first, you don’t want just anyone having access to your home. I believe in bad spirits and when you invite the wrong crowd into a sacred space it creates disturbance. Know who those people are and keep them away.

My husband and I love to host, we love having our friends and family over to create genuine and loving experiences. We’ll cook, prepare drinks and try our best to ensure who ever comes over has a good time. God says that when two or more people gather in His name, He is there with them. This is how I think of it..You could be having conversations about love (God is love), conversations about the Bible, prayer before a meal, encouraging someone when they’re having a tough time through scriptures and/ or prayer. To me that means gathering in the Lord’s name.

Gathering together in His name means gathering in a manner that Jesus would endorse.

Pray over your home

Pray over your home, Ask God to shut down and shut out anything that’s not Him. Thank Him for your home, the food that you eat, the clothes that you wear and the spouse that you have. Prayer is an incredibly powerful way to say that your home belongs to God and that you’ve dedicated that space to Him.

Declutter your home

I can’t function in a dirty, cluttered home. I feel like everything else turns to a mess. A clean and decluttered home reduces stress and anxiety and it’s easier to clean and tidy. I’m reading a book that’s helped me declutter our home and I highly recommend it. It’s called Simplify your life by Mary Conroy, it touches a lot on minimalism and understanding what it means to have a meaningful life.

She talks about making four piles when decluttering:

  1. Keep
  2. Donate
  3. Recycle
  4. Trash

Hopefully that’s a start for you..

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make the effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.

I believe that when you take good care of something God rewards you with more, or in this case something bigger.

Take care of your home

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Welcome to my little haven! I’m here to inspire and guide you on a joyful journey through the realms of Christianity, mouthwatering recipes, captivating literature, exciting travel, and the beautiful world of marriage. 

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